VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Tried to Upload a Video - but NO GO TODAY

My friends who moved to Negari Sembilan have been calling asking me to join them for the weekend. I am tempted – as they found housing in Melaka, which is where the three of us originally wanted to live. But, being the weekend ending Hari Raya, I am not sure I want to be on the roads with the locals. It is a 2 ½ hour trip on useless roads – or longer if some of those useless roads are broken, flooded, or otherwise compromised. Besides, I am kinda liking being at home without a lot of need to do anything other than read a book, clean the house, or just sit. I have become quite accomplished at just sitting. We have not hit the rainy season yet, but there have been some fairly significant rains due to heat during Hari Raya. 

I finally took a look in the birthday present bag from them. It was an oleo of assorted things that Emma noted that I was fond of. Water – being number one on the list. She found a plastic water bottle – just like the ones you buy at 7-11, but this one has serious writing all over the label. It is some gimmick that sells you a bottle of water with a magazine printed on it.  Sort of like a National Enquirer. Then, a lovely cotton knit blanket, compliments of Cathay Pacific. She has defended herself with this one, saying she never really takes things, she simply moves them around to where they are needed. Ahh, the best – a small packet wrapped in tinfoil.  A wee slab of what we westerners call ‘Christmas cake’.  I guess every culture pushes these things at the season of celebration, and Muslims are no different. I discovered that it tastes great with a slab of cream cheese dolloped on top.  A beautiful gold printed KFC mug, which I would never qualify to receive otherwise. You need to order the family pack to get this delight as a gift. It commemorates the 500th KFC franchise in Malaysia. Some kind of plastic PAW that doubles as a key chain. The paw has a switch which when turned on is a massage tool. Wonder how I am supposed to use that one Guess I will experiment today. hee hee

Also got a call from another colleague who went to KL and was requested to pick up my big present. She was to go to Ikea to buy Emma and me lamps. However, seems that Ikea, just like in Canada, was out of stock of this popular item. So I wait yet again to get that elusive lamp for the living room. It will be so nice to have light other than the blazing fluorescents overhead. I might just have to get in the jalopy and pick one up myself.

Well, it has been an hour since I tried to upload a video, and still not complete. Tried last night for several hours to no avail. So, maybe have to see if I can find a parking spot at the KT hospital and try there. The broadband connection, which actually works off cell towers here, seems to work best there. I don’t like going there for internet as I have become known there. Why wouldn’t I? I was the whitey with dengue, and like 'Cheers", everybody knows my name. Doctors, nurses, and various staffers all come over to my car to ask how I am when I go for internet connections. Today will be no different.

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