VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Friday, September 9, 2011

today was productive. I did my work, delivered my logs to the goverment, and was successful in a number of tasks that were boiling on the back burner. I managed to find a hardware store on my way into town. There, I got the 'magic chemical' for my plugged sink. Instructions were to pour in overnight and then flush with tons of water in the morning. Yay for that one. Then, while there I found a garden hose and had the man put together the parts I required. It was almost perfect, but when I installed it at home, the connection spurted and splattered more water on me than on the patio. I guess I need to find some plumber tape to just cover the mess. Also the connection to the sprinker head could use some tape. Maybe, just a case of plumber tape will fix it all. After drenching myself I stripped off the clothes and smiled at my clean patio. Before going home I dropped into the farmasi and just at that time my Twinrix arrived. So I was sent to the clinic next door (one I didn't know existed) and was injected with the potion I requested. Off to the place where I pay my water and electricity bills. I give them a chunk of money every few months and it applies to the accounts. I still seem to be ahead with the water bill, so topped that and the other up so that I dont have to return until November. This probably does not sound very exciting to one who has every appliance and convenience at their fingertips. BUT, to me it is a stellar day in Kota Tinggi when so many good things have happened to me.  I think I will celebrate by vacuuming the living room. Also a treat, as many people here to not have vacuum cleaners.
I was going to go to Batty Pahat tomorrow with a friend. We need to  be at a meeting there Monday, so was just planning on staying over until Monday. However, after meeting with my government guy, he advised we should drive together to the meeting. (He knows how much I enjoy driving). In fact, he mentioned today that he was one of the MANY people who cut me off on the highway, and was blessed with one of my blasts from my horn with a 'special' wave from a digit on one of my hands. I guess he wants me off the road as a driver so volunteered to take me.

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