VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Monday, September 26, 2011

first day on the new job

A delight driving - even in gridlock. The drivers are somewhat predictable on this route. And no new rashes or hives from the venture. I have a lingering sore throat - but that comes from driving with the air conditioning in my car full blast. The new colleague, who I was driving around all weekend cannot tolerate the heat. So, sore throat was inevitable.  Makes me wonder why people take jobs in the tropics when they dont like the heat. She has 5 showers a day at my place and runs the fans here full blast. And still complains about the heat.  I feel like I am in Victoria in a windstorm when I come into the house. It does encourage me to keep my desktop in order. The papers would be strewn all over the place otherwise.
Arming myself with a travel mug decanted with some cream - in a small cooler, filled with mini freezer packs, I stopped at the Jusco Starbucks and had an Americano to go for the tour. Not something I could write about in the Sedili trips. My new colleague and I set out to find the schools. We did a great job until the last one, and then had to admit defeat and call Travis for directions. Now, after that I am no longer sure where the heck it was. So, a street map purchase is on my to do list today so I can find it again.  I like this new colleague. Turns out he is a golf pro, so guess who will be taking some refresher lessons from him.  I think I might even bring my clubs back with me when I come back after the break.

I spent the afternoon in the ministry office in Kota Tinggi, as the curriculum for the year 2 students is being developed and presented to the teachers now. The year 2 classes will be added to our program in the new year, as those students will be our current year 1's.  I had met with the ministry a few weeks ago, and taken a dvd of overview of my work and extra projects. It was quite amusing to hear my words and projects regurgitated in this meeting.  My dvd really focused on the travelling library, and lo and behold, the ministry is advising and encouraging fun books and diaramas for classroom learning. Glad I was able to influence them in that way.Now we wait to see if it really is done.

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