VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Balinese Famous Crispy Duck Dinner

One night my driver took us to a restaurant famous for their crispy duck dinner.  As always, we were seated and then a tray of exquisite food appeared at our table.   Here is the feast that met my eyes that night.
This is a tray for one.  Of course a post would not be complete without a tray of food, right? The foreground is a bowl of duck soup - tasting much like a miso - tres bon

Looking down from my dining spot, a crowd of clanging and drumming slowly walked past us. I am not sure my fancy schmancy camera could have done any better, as it was dark, very dark out.  But I did take a short video to give you an idea of what we heard. Hopefully it will also post here.

We were very fortunate to have Lukmin driving us everywhere. He was actually the tour guide and had an accomplice driving the vehicle.  He is mid twenties and competed a degree in international relations.  Looking a bit disappointed that he is a tour guide, I assured him that this line of work is a perfect place to be while waiting for the plum job in a consulate further down the road. A bargain that I would highly recommend if you travel to Bali. I watched others attempt to go places on their own, but it was not easy. You are constantly assaulted by individuals who want your business but once you enlist them, they mutter and complain.  I gave Lukmin a day off when I went to the spa.  I wanted to walk to the various art galleries and craft shops near my hotel, and the spa was only a few minutes away up the hill, so felt Lukmin could enjoy a day off or find someone willing to pay him for another longer venture around the island instead of a five minute trip. When I enlisted a local driver who had been hounding me all week, he grumbled about the trip, even though I generously tipped him; then did not return to pick me up.  Yes, a $12 a day driver and tour guide is well worth the investment. We each tipped him 100,000 rupiahs at the end of the week (about the same as a day pay), just because he was so flexible in our schedule and changes to the itinerary we requested. 

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