VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Coffee Cat and Other Flotsam

This little critter was at the entrance to the coffee plantation or whatever it is called there. Everything in Bali is miniature to what we all know in North America, and even in Malaysia.  He lives in the wild and eats the coffee beans as they grow. Then he does what he does to get rid of them.  The workers there then collect his little piles of, shall we say, skat, and dry them until the undigested coffee beans are separated from the rest.  Once this is done, the beans are washed in several cycles of fresh water and again dried.  After that process, the beans are roasted and the end result is this famous luwak coffee.

Here is the critter who makes the sh***y coffee

Here is a pile of his sh**

This is the view we have while tasting that coffee and the various ones shown below

Not sure if I can recall all of them: vanilla, coconut,cinnamon, and chocolate, and then, teas: lemongrass, rosella, and ginger. My favourite was coconut.
Then you pay extra for the luwak coffee. Of course I did.  It was much like a very smooth espresso.
I think it would be very cool to have a cuppa Luwak at Mink in Vancouver. What do you think?

For those who missed my coffee bean roasting job, here I am again.

I became too lazy to take individual shots of trees etc, so this is an overview. In the scene is vanilla orchids, cinnamon trees, and clove trees. Other things also, but again too lazy to write here.

I had to snap this one for my neighbour in Malaysia. She is always sending over treats of Chinese Medicine. One was a rosella tea. Apparently it is a cleanse for the blood. It tastes rather nice, not offensive like hibiscus tea.

This is the plant. The previous one is of the flower, which is what is used for the tea.

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