VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

How do They Tolerate it and Keep their Sanity?

I have been attempting to connect to the internet since 5 am - it is now 10 am and I have had two short spurts of connection which ended abruptly.  I have become a master of quick notes and searches, otherwise I would never be able to communicate or search for information here.  This post may never reach the readers.

I do not think there is a place in the world that has such poor technology in place as what we have here.  For some reason; perhaps the citizens do not realize there is much more to be had; it just goes along as it is.  If I ever get that cable connection I honestly hope I will have moved into a speedier and more reliable technical place.  For now, it is only a dream. And for now, I live only a nightmare. My neighbours understand my need to be able to connect with family back home, and use the internet to do my job.  The powers that be however don't seem to share the same empathy.

I go back now to building an activity for my mentees next week in order for them to be critical thinkers, speakers of English, and teachers of English in the classroom. Wish me luck.

Here is a couple of pictures of the mini conference my mentees were able to put together with some guidance from me.  They did a great job yesterday, even with the failure of a/v equipment that was needed to do a presentation.  It eventually resolved and that mentee did a great job, even though he bemoaned to me that he really did not present it well.  Evidence in that performance was over 70 e-mails in his inbox requesting the program he developed for a fun way to teach and test English.

Beginning the afternoon session with remarks and greetings from the District Language Officer on behalf of the Ministry of Education, we started the conference with a 'find someone who' activity and then mingling among various display booths, and presentations by mentees. We ended the gathering with a spelling bee for the assembled guests and participants.

The assembly of 100+ guests and mentees prepare to take part in the spelling bee

Winner of the spelling bee was an invited teachers who is not part of the TELL project. Good for her, she managed to defeat a mentee with the spelling of the word 'manoeuvre'.  Not one that many first language speakers can spell!

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