VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Welch's Grape Juice Came Back!

I have been doling out wee bits of the grape juice I hoarded a few months ago when I learned that Aeon (the former Jusco) has discontinued the product.  I was so sad, a piece of home, a delightful tasty thirst quencher no longer available to me. I even went to the trouble of finding Welch website and wrote to them.  I must be the most annoying consumer on the planet.  However, to the delight of my wondering eyes today I saw a kiosk at the Aeon mall beside the grocery store. Welch was back!  I was immediately given a small glass to taste, but was more interested in purchasing that tasting. When I was finally able to help them understand I wanted to buy the stuff they produced a litre bottle.  I said I wanted more and was so happy they brought it back.  The clerk said "some white lady contacted the store and the supplier wanting the product available'.  Hmm I wonder who that was?

Fearing another discontinuance I bought a case of the stuff; which somehow gave me 6 personal size bottles as a promotional offer.   Now I am going to serve myself a huge icy glass of the nectar of the gods and smile.

Yay Welch's Grape Juice

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