VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Friday, June 15, 2012

Pen Pal Letter Reading

Once the students realized I had a letter from their pen pal, Erika, from Canada, they could not contain themselves. One little guy begged to be able to open it. Torn apart, he and three others began reading the contents to the class.  They all wanted to put her letter on the bulletin board with her photograph.  Instead, I had their teacher photocopy them each a copy so they could take them home to show their parents.

The also received a letter from their friend's grandmother (my friend) Pat.  Now they look for the books with the card in the front that says 'donated by' and are so excited that they have a letter from a book donor.  They then began turning to the first page of all the books in the cart to read the names of the people who donated the books. Pat is a hero - she has sent Curious George Books.  A few months ago, they actually met a couple of donors - two friends of mine who came to visit me.  These guys are becoming very worldly in this reading and writing venture they have embarked themselves on.

Being the first day I have seen them since returning from vacation, here are a couple of pictures of them once they discovered the replenished book cart.
I better get a book before they are all gone.

Let's trade when we are finished

SpongeBob is the BEST!

I wonder if I can read all 12 today?

SpongeBob is Great!

And, before the reading of SpongeBob SquarePants and his adventures, the video of the reading of the pen pal letter is here.


Hope you enjoy

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