VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Dr. Yeet

I went to a doctor again recently because my lips have developed some attractive little masses due to lack of sun screen whilst out in the sun.  I could not seem to manage to get ahead of the little lovelies so gave in and returned to the medical office. Given some potion much like the overkill of thalidomide for an allergy rash, I disposed of the tube and headed to the pharmacy.  The Chinese pharmacist seemed to be on the right track, but still they persisted and I was constantly applying the stuff and still cracking my face when I opened my mouth more than a slit.  At work today I was not really sweating. I think my whole body was leaking.  There was not an inch of fabric on my clothing that was not drenched. I was not alone; everyone was fanning themselves and moaning about the heat. As I watched one teacher trying to fan herself with a scrap of paper I remembered one of my Chinese fans I keep in my brief case. No way was I gonna share this.  I greedily fanned my face, but that only broke out a sweat on the arm that was working. Still, I was better off than the others. You know what hot is when you look at the back of your hand and see it sweating. Have you ever seen the back of your hand sweat? Not likely, but here in the tropics in a heat wave that is exactly what happens.

Today, after work, Yeet arrived with a huge platter of sliced watermelon so we sat together on the patio and noshed on some of the slices. Included in her offering was two baby coconuts.  I sat in the heat, feeling slightly cooler from the watermelon, but sweating in a most unattractive manner.  Yeet, on the other hand was dry and composed.  She kept insisting that I drink one of the coconuts. Finally, I gave in.  Not sure how many times I have to be reminded of this cure.  She has told me many times that the cooling coconut water lowers the body temperature. God only knows if a medical doctor will agree with this, but frankly I don't care. It works. She has also recently told me that when the internal body temperature is high, the lips also get dry and cracked.  I know it works. I have drunk a pail of room temperature water and felt slightly cooled and hydrated, but sweat even more than before I did. I can drink a gallon of iced water and have the same results. But after only a few sips of the cool coconut water I feel the innards cooling off instantly and my mouth not feeling like it will shatter and break if I speak.  And no sweating.  When will I learn?  I never would have believed it had I not experienced the transformation for myself. I was not told that I would cool off and stop sweating, it just happened. Yeet is far too gracious to point out the fact that I am a dripping pool of sweat.  Her reason was that it was good for me.  Yes, Yeet, it is good for me. I just might have to find a space in my luggage and stuff you in when I return to Canada. I don't know what I will do without her helpful remedies.

I have the other coconut stashed in my fridge for tomorrow morning.  And I might just save some of the flesh from this one to churn up in the blender with my morning protein shake of papaya, mango, and blueberries with soy protein.

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