VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Phonics in the Classroom

I have been having fun with the children with Winnie the Pooh and friends. And recently, I have managed to sit back and listen to the students read the Curious George books to me.  My goal seems to be coming to fruition.  I also was able to pick up a set of advanced phonics books in Singapore starring SpongeBob SquarePants. So I definitely have a herd of fans with that purchase.

No photos of the student reading - only videos.  I will try to get some shots later this week. Today I had a a class that was so enthusiastic about reading to me that when I asked one student to come to the front, I ended up with a group of little boys all shouting at the top of their lungs, reading the words on the pages.  I think I am glad I have a waxy build up in my ears.  Tomorrow I am doing a presentation to other teachers downtown, so will have fun with them dashing about in paper pirate hats making sounds of letters in order to find their teams. If I manage to get some humorous pictures, I will share them with you.

Now to nosh on another gift of curried veggies and a side of ciao bay chai, compliments of my kind neighbour.  I wonder what her motive is.  I received a plate like this on the weekend.  I was previously told that I must not eat curry too often.  Hmm, there must be something going on.  But, who cares, I love the treat, so will tuck in now. Bon Apetit!

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