VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Carts are Ready to Roll

I have sorted and prepared the library carts for the schools again.  I somehow forgot to pick up the cart from the Chinese school so will have to figure out how to change their books and make sure everyone has a new assortment to choose from for the next two weeks. I guess I will just have to pick a few here and pick a few there from the other carts and just leave them for three weeks instead of two before the next rotation.  I am beginning to wonder why I took on this project.  Not really, my neighbour and her Singapore friend came over yesterday while I was sorting and we all had fun reading small excerpts from the books and having a giggle while doing so.  Dr. Seuss and the gang would have been proud!

Doesn't look like much, but there are about 50 books in each cart awaiting eager readers. And of course, one cart is missing. Thanks to everyone who contributed to this assortment of 250 books!

Here is the stack I picked up in Singapore last week to add to the piles.

And for breakfast - fresh rambutan - a gift from the neighbour.  Nice - it could have been durian, as that is now in season again. Roadside durian stalls are popping up all over the place again.

For some reason, I am not anxious to return to work. I still feel like holiday mode.  There is much to look forward to.  Letters from some pen pals which will have the students very excited.  A new interest from a Canadian teacher wanting to take part in the pen pal project. New books I picked up for phonics with Sponge Bob Squarepants as the focal point.  A special presentations to some non mentees at a conference in downtown JB mid week.  However, when I look forward, I see there are no more holidays until the end of August. arghhhh

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