VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Mayhem, Gridlock, and Gasless Vehicle

Don't worry. I did not snap a picture while driving. But this is exactly what I was in this morning on my way to the conference where I was doing a presentation. I was meeting my colleagues so we could take a cab there instead of trying navigate the city gridlock.  However, even though I began my journey at 7:15 this morning, I did not get to the meeting place until 8:45.  The trip normally takes about 15 - 20 minutes. I eventually discovered the cause - a semi spread across an on ramp lane and a driving lane, reducing the congestion to only one lane of  traffic.  To top it off, I used over a half a tank of petrol because I was idling with the air conditioner on, in order to avoid being a sweaty pool of dampness.  Soon turned that off when I saw the 'get gas now' light flashing on my dash.  Finding petrol stations here is nothing like home. They are few and far apart, and never on the right side of the road when you need one. I took a chance and kept motoring to the meeting site and dealt with the problem at the end of the day.  It worked. I am home and will put the feet up for a while and ponder the evening reaps.  I am thinking left over curry is in order. Beside I was treated to a very fine lunch. Preparing myself for a dead fish on top of fried rice, I soon learned there was a choice - lamb or fish. Lamb, of course.  Starter was a puree vegetable soup, followed by either chicken or beef pizza slice, and then the artistically arranged lamb 'something' atop cubed squashes and yams. Tres Bonne.  And to end - tiramisu.  Wow, I guess it was worth that picture at the beginning of the day.  I was seated beside the head professor from the college of education in Malaysia, who flattered me by telling me that although he was unable to attend my presentation, the feedback he has received is topnotch (his words) so I guess I did a good job.  Another accolade for we Canucks - everyone loves our accent. It is the easiest to reproduce according to the audience.  They also indicated they always know what we are saying. Go Canada!

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