VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

A Stubble Jumper enters a Temple in Bali

My driver explained that this particular temple was built in the 1400's.  I guess you could say that it has stood the test of time.   It is a short drive from Ubud, but then, I guess everything is comparative to North American standards. As you arrive at this temple, you first view a huge water filled concrete bathing area. There are pipes with water flowing into this vessel, where the bathers stand by having the sacred water pour over them to cleanse away impurities. I guess it is somewhat like a baptism in Christianity.  I opted to not take part, and I am sure no one cared.
As you enter the gates toward the temple, you see the people who have prayed and are now cleansing their bodies

Just another view of the cleansing

My friend was offended by the sign so declined going inside.  

You must wear a yellow belt in order to enter the temple grounds

Everyone was clicking at this altar - many offerings to the gods were placed there.

Inside this walled area - the temple;  you see many different altars to various gods.  The entire area is very large - kind of a fort configuration in my mind.

My driver tried to explain this particular one - he said it was one that everyone gathered at when they enter for prayers.

As you leave, and take a dip in the waters, you then pass this pond filled with various fish. I declined the dip.

After the pond, in true tourism fashion, you are not allowed to return on the same path you entered.  Instead, you must walk past (if you are able) many vendors of souvenirs and tourist mementos.  This is where I managed to pick up the fisherman with a fish that will be Ryan's. Lucky guy!

Tomorrow I will post the volcano (not erupting) and other bits and pieces of the vacation)

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