VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Devices and Charging

How many devices do you own that require a charger? Have you ever wondered why one company can make several models of a product and then nicely require completely different chargers for each model. Nice huh?

Have you ever wondered why there are manuals to read when you buy a product?  Just the other day I was discussing this very thing with my son. He actually has discovered that many people do not read the manual.  I guess I might just fall into that category - sort of. I did not let on that I fit there, I didn't want him to think I was a bonehead.  I buy one product, then a different model of that product made by the same manufacturer and think I know everything.  I don't.  How did I figure out I don't?  I ruined a perfectly good battery, that's how.  I have an electric tooth brush, an electric face cleaner, two cameras, two, no three cell phones, and two computers. All have various types and sizes of batteries. None of them can interchange.  I have a compact camera so I can lug it around with me easily, and charge it frequently because I use it a great deal.  I transposed my knowledge of my toothbrush, which indicates you can charge it continuously (leaving it on the base plugged in) or charge it when the little light begins to flicker. It will complete the charge and charge no more. My toothbrush - I tend to charge when the light flickers. My bloody camera is not as smart.  I regularly plugged the puppy in when I was heading to bed, and disconnected it in the morning. This little lovely is not forgiving.  It only wants 4 hours maximum, and never before half used if I want it to be functional. Seems I over charged the sucker and now own a new RM100 battery to prove my point.  Too bad the toothbrush battery is not the same shape as the camera battery.

Sorry Ry, you don't have to go to a different country to find doorknobs that can't or won't read instructions. They live among you. In your own family.

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