VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

A Very Short Message

After travelling 1/2 across the world and probably providing enough fuel for propelling the aircraft, I am almost home.  I can say that I count my blessings for travelling Cathay Pacific.  They looked after me in every way during this horrible flu I had, and even donated one of their blankets to me - the kind that people think they should steal at the end of a flight.

Wrapped in the new blanket and dressed in everything I owned, I sat on the curbside at Bangkok international airport.  I could not bear the air conditioning inside, so had to warm up out there. I definitely had a lot of stares from onlookers dressed in t's and tank tops. Don't care.  I had to figure out how to look well because I was afraid that airlines would not allow me to fly and I needed to get home. After a 500THB charge for intervenous for hydrating me, I figured I was in good shape to travel. So, this morning I arose and was actually hungry for the first time this week.  Going down to the dining room in my Singapore hotel I decided I would nosh on watermelon.  I had planned on room service but their 24 hour room service actually begins at 11 am.  Of course.  Watermelon is a bad choice.  I am back to square one with the stomach issue.  Crap.  Yes, crap.

Can hardly wait for my driver to pick me up and take me home.  I need my bed, I need my house, I need to be home.  Talked with Jenn.  She was only ill for 24 hours.  Nice to be young.  But then, she also has 2 children to care for and a job that is very demanding.  Nice to be old when you think of it that way.

I will be back later.  Happy New Year everyone.

You know what?  Those people at airports that wander around with medical masks on their faces are not so dumb, now are they?

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