VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

McD in Malaysia

It appears to be worth my while when I take on writing to various corporations over here. I have found that the standards that were intended for many of the international franchised food outlets are not being met over this way. So, what do I do?  I write to the corporation.  And this time, it paid off.  Where I live, there is a McD, and on occasion, I find myself beating a path to that door, when I just want something familiar.  Well, they initially served milkshakes, then that was removed from the menu.  I cannot tolerate all the sugary drinks here, and really thought a milkshake might replace that nicely.  The fries are cold - probably a batch is prepared early in the morning and then served throughout the day. Locals are ok with this - that is the norm. But I don't like fries at the best of times, so if I am going to eat any, they have to be freshly prepared and piping hot.  Hence, the letter.  And what came of this?  Milkshakes back on the menu, and if I order fries, they are prepared when I order them.  Holy crow!

I feel like I have to go frequently to order a shake, just to keep them on the menu.  Yesterday, I dropped into a big outlet in JB because I wanted to get one of their very useful calendars they make. These wall calendars give all the school holidays for the year, so I can anticipate what dates I have off.  This year, it is in the form of a growth chart, so kinda fun for the little people to record how much they grew this year.  BUT, that location did not have milkshakes!  Seems that I needed to list all the locations that I wanted them available. Not a problem, I dont order them all that frequently, so my local eatery will suffice.

As for Welch's grape juice in the food stores - there must be many new followers of this treat.  They have now packaged individual bottles, much like a water bottle for convenient six pack purchases. You can bet I have stocked up on that. Not cheap, the little gems cost about $3.00 CAD each. Lucky me - they are my indulgence.

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