VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Coming Home

I have learned that home is where the heart is.  I dont understand that statement now, because I thought my heart was where my family is.  Maybe it can spread across the globe and be in many places.  Otherwise I do not understand that statement.

What I do know, is that no matter what conditions one lives in; their home is where they want to be when feeling under the weather. Maybe that is sort of like being in an abusive relationship. We tend to gravitate to what we know, not necessarily what is good for us.  And that is exactly where I wanted to be all this week.  I am there, and I am not disappointed.  Seems I left the place in less than a tidy state when I checked out over a month ago. Clean, but clearly a rapid escape with clutter around.  When I got here, that did not matter.  I dragged my weary body up to my bedroom and fell into my bed.  Now, my bed is not exactly a top model of this sort of furniture, but I had the best sleep I have had in ages.  Donned only with the airline blanket that Cathay Pacific donated to me somewhere over the international date line, I slept like a baby.

OK, it is 5 am, and I just heard a screech coming from my upstairs.  Not sure I want to check this out.  None of the windows are open, so who could this be?  Sounded kind of like a cat or a monkey in distress.  Maybe I will just let them stay in distress and take up residence on the main floor for a while.  Ah, yes, Gordon.  My neighbour convinced me to leave my patio light on for the entire 6 weeks.  She advised it is a good security measure; so I did.  Last night before closing up the main floor, who did I see out on the patio roof?  Probably every gecko from the Kota Tinggi municipality. Frolicking on my ceiling out there thinking life is good. If you use your imagination, they looked like little lambs dancing around and bouncing madly all over their arena. There must have been 20 or more little reptiles there.  However, this morning I checked and there stood Gordon alone.  He looked a bit sad.  The party is over.  Guess he will come back inside and live behind the television again now that I am home.  It kinda looks like when teenagers get busted when their parents return home, right?

Now home, I need to settle into work and school.  You will see a lot of observations on the blog for a while - I intend to use the data collected for my thesis.  And other personal contributions regarding intercultural communications, from others will be very welcomed.

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