VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Back to the Salt Mines

After a brief recovery, I am heading back to work.  A nasty virus put me to bed for a while.  I apologize to anyone who I infected along my path - which is probably anyone who was within breathing distance from me.  I cannot say enough about the good care Cathay Pacific provided.  Separating me from other passengers, I was given a full row of seats in business class next door to the facilities in order to keep the transfer of the 'bug' to a minimum. I am sure it did not contain much, but it certainly gave me as much comfort as I could have.

The last day in Canada was tobogganing day at Mount Seymour.  Vancouver is one of those cities that allows you to walk in the rain or overcast day or drive a few kilometers and go skiing or tobogganing.  As the family set out on the ski hill day, they passed golfers, cyclists, and hikers before they reached their destination.  I opted to stay home. I needed to pack for travel.  Good choice Frannie!

Jenn took this picture to demonstrate what you see when you arrive.
Pretty stunning, huh?

Thanks to a friend who sent me these photos for the kids at school, here is what they did that day.

Can you imagine a 1 1/2 year old whistling down this slope?  And a parent who constantly has to carry them back up again to do it again?  No need to do any fitness routine after that day!

Now time to get in the chariot and head to work!

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