VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Voicethreads, Veggies and Vitriolic

Ok, voicethreads.  I was mumbling around the internet - because now I can.  I have been working hard to find pen pals for the little gaffers here. Unfortunately, North Americans don't really remember how to write letters because they have all that technology at their fingertips. So, I guess, armed with my laptop and hopefully intermittant internet, I am going to bring these kiddos into the age of instant messages and all else.  This voiecethread gig is something I think we can take part because I can upload much of the material at home and create the material in the classroom with voice recorders and digital camera. If either of my own kids are reading this they are likely chortling and wondering when they will get a call from their daft mother asking for help.

Veggies - I did make myself some broccoli cheese soup, and let it be known that emmental cheese slices actually work quite well if you lace it all with chunks of gouda.  Oh, yes, a half can of carlsberg beer was the broth. Nice work.

Vitriolic?  Well, I had to go to the local grocery today and everyone in the country was there. Today is Mohd Birthday, so I guess that shopping is how one celebrates the day.  All I needed was 2 AAA batteries for my recorder.  All the checkouts were filled with the locals and their carts teeming with bags of sugar, bottles of oil, and sacks of chilis that would blow both ends of a North American's digestive system into the universe.  I went to the 10 items or less check out. No one here seems to understand that statement. There were all variations of what I described just now, and no where near 10 items or less.  I asked the patrons in front of me why they were in that check out. They just looked at me like I had 3 heads.  The sign was written in English and Malay. It was posted in several places.  No one cares.  I fumed and eventually began muttering like a loon about the fact that people in this country don't seem to be able to count.  Vitriolic? Maybe strong word, but it started with V, and I was on a roll.

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