VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Sunday, January 13, 2013

E Books and Old People

You could probably wonder how I make it through a day without some sort of assistance if you ever watched me attempt to download an e book.  Wow, that was worthy of having my blood pressure checked.

I tried to download a recommended book from iTunes, but somehow, this system knows where I purchased the iPad and it was telling me that it is not available in Canada.  Trying to change store locations was not an easy feat. It kept telling me I was not connected.  Well, then connect me!  Finally, after browsing all other options, I returned to the site that was a thorn in my side, and voila!  It let me connect.  I now have 2 books on my bookshelf.  I am almost afraid to read either. If I have to go through this again, I might just reread and reread what I have.

My kids would be so proud of me.  Well, after complete embarrassment of their dolt mother admitting this on a bog.  I have to admit, it is very nice to have two books available to me and no paper or books to recycle at the end of the reading.  Now I have something to entertain myself again instead of a steady diet of solitaire before bed.

The book?  The 100 Year Old Man Who Climbed Out of the Window and Disappeared

I thought it might be a good read to prepare myself for that age which is just around the corner.

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