VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Monday, January 28, 2013

Painted Lines and Traffic Lights

As the week begins anew, I am hoping that the drivers understand that the painted lines on the highways are not energy sources for their vehicles. I think they believe that these dotted lines are an alternative form of energy to power their vehicles, much like overhead cables for trollies in North America. Everyone straddles them.  It does not leave a lot of room for drivers who actually choose a lane.

Also,  I wonder if they know what the red light at a traffic intersection means.  I stopped at one yesterday in order to wait for a green light to make a right turn. Everyone drove around my vehicle on my left side as though I was a stalled car.  Do they not know that red means Berhenti? It is not the first time, but yesterday it was so strange how a whole stream of vehicles just began a new path and challenged the cars for position that actually had a green light. It was a public holiday so there was no need to get somewhere on time.  Maybe KFC was offering a special they did not want to miss.

Now to don the duds and hit the trails.  A short week. Nice.

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