VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

24 Hours without a fever!

Ican honestly say that it never occurred to me in the past that it would be exciting to have a 24 hour period without a fever. But this has become a big occasion in my life recently.  I will drag myself to Sk Seri Aman this morning, as everyone is anxiously awaiting my arrival.  The little cluster of schools is such a network - I have been to two of my schools already this week and they spread the word that Madam Frances is back to the others. So, for that reason alone, I must make my appearance at all of them.  My meetings with teachers do not produce a great deal of transfer of information this week, but I put out fires with what has gone on while I was absent. The M o E has adjusted my workshops and now only requires 2 per month instead of 4 per month. That leaves all afternnons free for me every second week. The result of this action has the teachers spending all their time trying to get me to work with them anyway on those days off.  So, I have agreed to take those afternoons (once a week on the alternate weeks) to play school with them. It should be fun.  I will model how to teach a TL, and they will take turns practicing this methodology.  No where in the modules I have been given for my workshops is there an area of actual teaching this methodology, and I think all the theory and content for teaching will not give them the skills to be able to teach in this manner. 
This picture is a fairly good image of what I look like, but of course, in the culture I am living, my dress is floor length and my sleeves to the elbow.

I had a chat with my realtor who will convey my message to the landlord regarding my windows and doors. She definitely took a new attitude once the word dengue  was in the conversation.  I am hoping that she can help mr landlord to see the situation through my eyes as well.
I am getting tried of the makeshift kitchen I am operating from.  I do not like any of the units that are offered here to improve the situation, so I think I have decided to buy several more bookshelves ( like the one I tipped over to become bins acting as a bureau) and line them up as kitchen cupboards, and surfaces for blender, kettle, induction cooker and a spare one for whatever I might purchase along the way. The shelves can be the places where I store the dishes I am accumulating and the food which I dropped at my front door and have not put away yet.  I did put away the things requiring refridgeration, but the other stuff is in bags in a trail from the door to the lawn chair in my living room. A large tin of Campbell's Tomato Juice is sitting on my new wicker table like a trophy.  I am so excited about owning it I am afraid to use it. I also forgot where I bought it, so will hold off opening until I find that store again.  I have gazed at it on a few occasions because I also bought worchestershire sauce to sprinkle into it but just dont have the energy to get the tin opener to begin the process. 
Last night I put together several pictures for the pres school teachers at one of my schools. They want me to show them how to teach choral speaking to the children.  The chose Going on a Bear Hunt, but even they don't know what a bear really is.  part of the story is plowing through a snow storm - again no idea what snow is either.  There is also a hunter in the story, so I decided to demonstrate this with Elmer Fudd in his usual Bugs Bunny hunting garb.  Then of course to explain a snow storm, one has to enlighten the students to seasons.  So, gathering more pictures of different seasons in Canada, I have prepared myself for the teaching of choral reading with all sorts of fun visuals.  The teacher must have spent over 30 minutes quizzing me about seasons in Canada.  She cannot grasp the concept of snow or what it would feel like. She cannot understand what coloured leaves would look like or trees without leaves.  But I assured her that when I was a child living in Canada and learned about the equator I wondered how people lived in that climate.  Now I know.  Very very slowly and mostly indoors. 
I watched a movie at my friends place in JB while I was staying there. Something has happened to me in the sense of cars and driving. I kept thinking something was wrong with the cars in the movie. Then I would realize that the driver seat was on the wrong side and the drivers were driving on the wrong side of the road too. Now I am not sure I want to drive in Canada again.  I will be doing everything wrong and looking the wrong way for oncoming traffic just I did when I began here three months ago.
I am not sure I mentioned Gordon earlier this week. If not, the little brat decided to migrate to my personal bathroom. I was up in the middle of the night with a fever and turned on the bathroom light to see him hanging on the wall with his neck outstretched from the wall. That was the most hideous sight I have ever seen. So hideous that I tuend off the light and went downstairs to a different bathroom.  I checked in on him again when I went back to bed, and he was still there - neck craning away from the wall. I had sprayed bleach before I went to bed in order to deal with some mould building up on the tile grout.  I guess he got a whiff of that and was overcome witwh the fumes.  He was gone in the morning, but darn it he has the big kitchen and most of the main floor already.  I am beginning to think he wants to be my buddy.  Now, when I go out to to my patio, he and his buddies cavort all over the place showing off for me how fast they can move - all the while looking back at me with their beady little eyes.  He even showed off yesterday at my big french doors where I erected my pathetic screening.  He danced around there to show me he was nearby, and then when I yelled at him, he disappeared into one of the folds of the curtainlike screen, and was gone. I think I failed to seal some areas and he probably moves from inside to outside at will.  I solved that one by slamming the door shut. Nice.  Now I get to kep extra warm and cosy while indoors.  This morning, the door is open again, I decided that seeing Gordie is better than sweltering.
I am also watching my peace lily try to come back to life. Jeff was a saint in all his help, but he did not notice the lily and when I came home I found it draped across the pot and bright orange instead of green.  I poured a couple of bottles of water into it and every leaf perked up within hours but remained orange. As the days pass, I am amazed to watch the leaves begin to turn green from the spines to the outer edges.  Nothing will get done with the plant soon, remember, my food is still in bags in a trail, so something as 'extra' as dealing with a flower pot is way down the list of "to dos".
Well, I guess those are Frannie's deep thoughts for today.  May have already spoken them to you earlier. If so, you are probably no longer reading. Now to prepare for the road trip to Seri Aman and more visits over my bowl of Campbell's Wild Mushroom soup in a packet.
Back soon.

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