VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Malaysians Wore Me Down

so I am wondering if I need to change to a chemical warfare attack?

Probably won't but looks like I gotta pay for my own screens because the dumbass landlord is too cheap. You can be sure I will find a way to turn the screens into large gaping holes when I move out. I will not leave this idiot anything of value when I vacate the house.   Even with help from the government and ministry, this moron made it virtually impossible to get anything done.  Even had some dude from one of the schools volunteer to do the job. He showed up at my house at the break of dawn today to do an estimate. He came in at the same price as a "real" contractor, but I knew he was gonna just do some makeshift job and did not have a ladder. He expected me to provide the ladder. We were doing miming throughout the whole thing because he could not speak English and I could not speak Malay. What a gong show! I sent he and his entourage packing and thanked him in Malay.

Likely does not matter anyway. Our brilliant company erred in our passports and neglected to have multiple entry stamped on our work visas. Anyone who leaves Malaysia (West Malaysia - where we live) even going to East Malaysia loses the work visa and is deported immediately.  Lovely huh?  So any money I thought I might have had to leave the country will be spent on screens to fight the bloody mosquitoes.

Enough whining. We had a great time celebrating Emma's birthday in JB Friday night. A colleague came back to my place after the evening and ended up staying until this morning. I took her around the sights of Kota Tinggi, as she is from a much smaller centre.  Smaller centre, but less rural schools. Odd, but what the heck. She also left me her vacuum cleaner. She has beein squirrreling away household things and only lives in a rented room. Thinks she will eventually have her own place, but also needed to clear out some of her cache of things she has purchased.  Lucky me, I now have a vacuum cleaner so hope she takes a long time to find her own house.  We went out to a Chinese place last night for dinner (my first effort of trying to eat out here again) because she is vegetarian.  Funny night, there was a huge wedding going on there but they insisted on us staying. We ate and had fun watching the event. 
My new best friend Emma and husband Travis.  Best friend, because she found apple sauce when no one else could

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