VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Marie - remember our lamb burger feasts?

JB is good to me.  I traipsed down there today, just to the outskirts and did a grocery run.  Tonight I am dining on lamb burger with avocado salad as a garnish along with real Kraft mayo and dijon mustard. On slices of REAL, GENUINE, NO KIDDING - french baguette! Not too shabby for the sticks of Kota Tinggi. I even gave up an overnight at my friends, to come home to bbq my latest discovery.  Then just for fun, I went to the Econsave and bought one tin of beer to go with my V8 juice. 
Glad I came home because I also managed to get my laundry and housecleaning done.  Maybe I will flutter down to JB tomorrow for a swim and visit. Maybe not.
Also found a book store because I have been trying to find a globe in this part of the world. Monday is teacher's day and they celebrate it with yet again - no classes. But everyone does go to school and just play.  We have some sort of a gift exchange, and I was told that the popular gifts are a toaster or an iron. I could not bring myself to buying one of those, so I went on a tour looking for a globe for a classroom.  I was also only supposed to spend RM30.  I found a mini globe in a book store in the same mall I bought groceries.  It was all there was so I bought it for RM29.  But felt like I really had not much to show for the effort, so also bought a book written in ENGLISH, title Formulas of Excellent Individuals.  Spent over RM75 for the two gifts, but I am sure no one will notice. It is not an iron and it is not a toaster, and I am sure that is what all eyes will  be seeking.
The lamb burger was superb! I must be getting better considering my appetite return. Now I might just re-read The Girl with the Dragon Tatoo. I read it so fast the first time around I probably missed many fine points of the story.  One of my amigos here picked up a slew of books, and dispensed them to us to share.

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