VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

From Sublime to Ridiculous

If you have been reading here, you know about my search for decent shampoo. I have bought drug store brands that coat your hair with a waxy residue, and then finally the wonderful oil slick that took days to remove.  My last trip to Jusco led me to  L'Occitaine in the mall.  I was desparate for something to clean my hair properly, and ended up spending as much on a bottle of shampoo that would feed 3 hungry people in a fairly good restaurant here.  But I took it home, and it did the trick.  No oil slick remained on my tresses and I am now on the second day of the shampoo and don't feel like I need to wash my hair.  Now I just have to see if the new shampoo did the trick or the oil treatment I accidentally gave myself. I am placing my bet on the shampoo.
Now I need to get motivated to get dressed, in the car, and join the rest of the loons on the road to JB to join my buddies for the Singapore express.  I wonder if it is really worth my while?  The only thing Emma and I are going to search for is the Ikea store to find a lamp.  If we do find any, and they are a reasonable price, we should  be quite a sight hauling floor lamps back to Malaysia on a public bus (we cannot take our vehicles out of the country, so we have to catch a bus at the border that crosses a bridge to Singapore).

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