VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Thursday, May 5, 2011

I wish Marie Was Here

This one deserves a post because only in Kota Tinggi can a former patient come back and sit in the parking lot to talk to her daughter and friends because that is the best reception for the bloody dongle.  While I sat there, nurses traipsed out of my old ward and did a double take when then saw me sitting in my car.  Each waved frantically and some even gave the thumbs up sign while I was chatting with Marie.  Finally, I had to end the conversation when my doctor of that week spied me and came over to see how I was.  He was delighted that I did not have to have an appendectomy and even happier to see that I was sprung from the JB hospital.
I had just been bragging to Marie that I had a 24 hour period without a fever. Then, this afternoon at home I began to shake, shiver, and rattle all my bones while the fever took hold once again.  I am now a sweaty pool of dampness with a blanket tied around me.  I will see how the night goes and hopefully not have another incident. How I wish Dr Marie was here to look after me.  She was so good with all the other things I seemed to manifest while we were housemates. Alas, I have to go this one alone.
After the hospital internet, I travelled to my old favorite, Rosemerah cafe because I needed to upload my files to the website and I knew that home would just cause me to throw the computer out the window because of the slow and non existent internet there.  Lucky for me, I was greeted by one of my teachers who I had tried to meet with yesterday. He had gone to KL for his convocation and had just returned home.  Nothing like having a creative mentor meeting. I even get to upload it to the website as a legitimate meeting.  That should help me catch up with the backlog.
I love how the staff and owner watch me and my antics.  Jeff came to visit me there once and the owner, pulling no punches, asked if Jeff was my husband, boyfriend, then "well what is he then"?  Jeff is half my age. So, it was flattering. Today, they watched as I hung out with another young man, a Tamil, so I am sure they will  be questioning him in the future, because I left before they could do their grilling today. I know they were disappointed because I was not on skype with anyone. They usually hang over my shoulder ( I am not sure if they do not realize that the person I am talking to can see them), the grin, have a good look, and then leave for a bit, only to return and do the same thing all over again.  They kept checking my computer, but I was only on my website for work - clearly not something to get excited about.
Now I am gonna peel off the sweaty clothing and stand under the cool shower to see if things can get back to normal.

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