VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Introducing Ghazi

vital statistics
green, tiny, recently born (hatched I think), 
length - about 1 inch, weight - probably about 1/4 ounce
Not sure if this is a name, but in this part of the woods, a name usually has a 'g', one or two 'z', most often an 'h', and a few vowels --  usually an 'i' somewhere.  So, my new upstairs guest shall we say, has been named Ghazi.  Ghazi made his appearance early this evening when I climbed the stairs to see what needed my attention upstairs.  The clump of ironing did not appeal to me, so I wandered into my room to see hanging over my bathroom door - none other than Ghazi.  I am thinking his father - Gordon was out celebrating the event of his new son's birth. Leaving Ghazi alone in this loud mouthed woman's bathroom to fend for himself.  He does listen to my outdoor voice, and cringes when I clap my hands too.  Now I feel kinda badly because he has galloped up to the top of the wall and clearly thought he has found the crack in the wall/ceiling joint that has allowed him to cravort around my home.  However, it is now about an hour after he clamored up there and is still sitting near the crack that he does not seem to fit into.  Poor little dude even had to make a u-turn up there and then tried to back into the crack. No luck.  Now I am wondering if these guys fall asleep do they fall off the wall too? 
You probably never look at a crack in a wall and wonder what will come through it.  I never did in the past, but these days I am prepared for just about anything. And unfortunately for me, there are many cracks here and there. Fine as a piece of hair. But that size is all required to enter a new place to discover if you are a gecko. I do hope his father shows up and explains the house rules to him.  I really think I deserve to have some space here to myself.  After all, I don't see any contribution to the rent.
Looks like he has settled in for the night - laying beside the crack he cannot fit into.  I hope he is not scared of the dark because I am about to turn off the light.  Good night

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