VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Monday, May 9, 2011

Geckos, Hospitals, and Government workers

Well I thought I had settled all the hospital bills but by the time I got to the school I had a phone call from the crazy that I paid all the money to in KT. She advised me that I had to pay the bill. I could not get it across to her that she has the money, but lucky for me, my language officer from the government showed up and said he will take care of it. Also said I must get to JB to a private hospital to get checked for malaria because if I have it, I need to start treatment. He said Jeff should take me, and then proceeded to draw a map. Of course it was one of those maps that makes anything at all NORTH. so considering I have to travel SOUTH to JB, it is not very clear.  Jeff set off tonight after work to find the hospital and he will take me later this week.
But at home, Gordie has become frisky and decided that I have made my kitchen much nicer than he keeps his. He was flopping about the window which is shut while I was trying to wash my dishes.  My outdoor voice does nothing to dissuade him from sticking around. I guess I will just have to learn how to get along with him. But he better not grow much more. Or he will be sent to the back kitchen with the other fellow who never shows his face any longer.  Thank God.
Sadly for me, Jeff is stopping in at Em and Trav's and gonna play a round of scrabble.  It was hard to say no, but I declined the trip.
My head mistress called my leasing agent and the language officer followed up with another call. I instantly got a call back advising me that my landlord will be screening my house. Problem is that I have to find the screener and then run the price by him before it is done.  I am sure another call from the language officer will change his mind. Nice to have friends in higher places when you are a foreigner.

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