VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Once again - Ryan was right!

Like the saying goes - the sign of a smart person is one who learns by their mistakes, the sign of a genius is one who learns by other's nistakes.  I don't seem to fit into either category these days.  Ryan has told me many times to take a trip to JB, and stubborn, lazy, and just plain ignorant, I only went there because of illness and now because my friends pick me up and take me there. I could not imagine there being such a difference in what one could buy only a few km between the two places.  But it is like night and day. There is still the same road side eateries but sprinkled amid this is western style shopping (big box store style) and real chain restaurants - Nando's. and various other Asian chains.  They even deliver (on scooters)  I wonder if a scooter would make the trek to Kota Tinggi? 
This new freedom of food selection has lifted my spirits. I did another haul of foods yesterday, bringing home eats that look like a Victoria BC shopping day.  I even made an avocado and parsley salad at my friend's place.  No one in KT knows what an avocado is. There is a cost attached, as these foods are not local and you pay a heavy price for the luxury of having them available. I don't care about that.  I also made a coleslaw so no further need to sneak into KFC for my fix.  I think I will just travel down to JB on Saturdays and spend the night with Em and Trav, swim in the pool Saturday and Sunday, and then do my shopping on Sunday and head home again.  They keep insisting on my coming, so I will take them up on it.  Em and I are going to start growing our own herbs. She managed to find a packet of seeds for cilantro.  And also bought a small basil plant. She will get that little plant to mature and then spit it so we each can have one.  I am looking forward to that. I wonder if I will ever find a Greek oregano plant?  Probably not.
Jenn will probably be disappointed, but I even found ROIBOOS TEA at Cold Storage. Naturally picked up a box and will hoard it for my treats.  I think it actually cost less than in Canada - it should - Africa is closer than Canada to Malaysia.
Another thing - we are always told to behave ourselves when out and about. I can see why.  Even in JB some little gaffer came up to me and took my hand.  Seems he was at the mall with his parents, and is one of my little pre schoolers who is anxiously waiting for my mural painting with him tomorrow. 
So there is my weekend report.  Nothing exciting, but going to JB is a big deal when you live where I live. 

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