VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Thursday, May 5, 2011

I now own the most expensive thermometer in the state of Johor

Saw the doctor again this morning after a night of fevers again.  She has me monitoring my temperature every 3 hours and making a chart.  Jennifer would love this - another spreadsheet! She advised me to purchase a very good thermometer and sent me to a pharmacy to buy one. RM300 is the price tag on these puppies here. I whined about that, and then was offered some kind of membership where I would receive a discount. Membership is RM1. So I gladly bought that, after a great deal of difficulty because I needed my passport to complete the application. And the passport is in KL arghhhhhhh. Anyway, they took pity on me and I got the bloody thing for RM200, then got some paper for the chart.
Now at home on my TGIF, and thinking seriously about having a g & t.  Doctor's concern is possible malaria.  I dive past a jungle daily on my way to work, so that one cannot be ruled out right now.  I think that tonic will remain my daily fluid intake at 5 pm as long as I live here.  Her other thoughts were the gastroenteritis, as that could possibly flare up daily when I am worn out by mid day. I think I will dwell on that one rather than the former one.
Other than that, Malaysia is a lovely place to visit, so I hope my latest events have not dissuaded anyone from coming to visit.
The thermometer is fun, it looks like one of those radar things the cops hold up for speeders. Maybe for entertainment I can park by the highway and scare drivers. Better yet, I could hold it up toward the idiot drivers that pass me on a solid white line. All I need now is some sort of siren to really creep them out.

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