VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

How hot is it here?

If I had the nerve to buy eggs, I could fry them on my floor.  Even the tile floors are hot inside my house.

I am heading down to Penawar to watch the pre school track and field event. It should be a good sight.  Those little gaffers running, jumping, and competing in the hot sun.  I will do my best to get a photo op to post here. Then have to zoom back to my own school cluster  to meet with a teacher who I have not been able to connect with since back to work. My day should end around noon, so that is not too difficult.

If anyone else was wondering - I have tried to see which way the water swirls when going down a drain or a toilet. In the northern hemisphere it swirls clockwise, and I believe in the southern it swirls counter clockwise.  However, here on the equator, it just goes straight down. Weird huh? Could be due to the fact that like everyone here, everything is in slow motion, so the lack of water pressure might just play a role in this too.That was my little brain f**t for the day.

Oh yes, how hot? It has the locals complaining even.  Days have been around 41+

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