VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Sunday, May 29, 2011

The Wedding Crashers

Well, we seemed to have a bit of miscommunication the other day. Seems the actual wedding took place yesterday morning.  But also advised that it is a family affair, so I guess we were at the appropriate celebration today anyway.  Following is the afternoon event. We came home with a gift (mug with the bride and groom photo on it, and a bunga telur, which translates in English - egg flower. I think the significance of the egg is one of fertility, but no one there seemed to know. It is a stick with an egg wrapped in mesh and then several beads, baubles and ribbons to make it all look like a flower.  After posing with and taking pictures of the bride and groom, everyone is treated to a makan beradab, which is a formal banquet consisting of lotus flowers filled with rice, goat, chicken, beef and lamb, and a few kids of rice. We begged off this, and finally had to say that we had eaten because Malaysians are known for sharing their food with their guests and will not take no for an answer. 
We were completely welcomed with open arms to this event in our neighbourhood.  The formal photographer took as many pictures of us as they did of the bride and groom.  I am glad we attended and happy to be included in this community were we we now call home.
Following is a group of pictures that show how the event unfolded.
 a banner was hung at the entrance to our community

 the groom and his entourage arriving at the festivities
closer look at the processession 

the bride and groom receiving guests on their thrones


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