VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Friends dropped in this mornng

A couple of colleagues dropped by with books, dvd's and chats on their way to my new find  food store.  It is so nice to have these new people in my life that I did not know existed just more than 3 months ago.  David is heading to Phuket for his vacation and has advised that I can make a list of anything I need from the West, as Phuket apparently carries all our needs we miss here. I cannot think of anything, but will probably be sorry when I realize something after he has gone.  Krisiti brought several books and some of those crazy DVDs to watch.  They tried to get me to join them on the shopping trip but I think I will sit here and prepare for next week work. Maybe go down for swim later today but probably not. It is amusing to see all of us in one spot.  We all drive these goofy Protons, either taupe (mine), white or black.  Seems most of us have taupe ones, so when we  have a party at our two places (Jeff and mine), it looks like a Proton convention.  Even this morning, there was mine, Jeff's, his girlfriend's, David's and Kristi's. All of them were taupe.  Imagine 14 together. 
So what am I missing on the island? The spot prawn festival in Cowichan Bay. As I told Jan, I guess I need to get my nerve up and pull the bloody heads off the local prawns here or figure out how to get the fish monger to do it for me.  Sometimes I wish my imagination was not so well developed. I could probably eat a lot more things without this affliction. Almost bought a roasted/bbq'd chicken yesterday but spied some English printing on the package: complete with head and feet. Good God, why does a person need to have the face and feet attached? Surely it is clearly a chicken without having to have the face and feet involved!

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