VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Friday, May 27, 2011

another Fox Paw - but not all my fault

This afternoon found me motoring down the highway to JB for a Justco run for food.  I found so many good things, in fact my dinner tonight consisted of bbq lamb chop, sauted baby asparagus with some kind of bubbly brown and white mushrooms. and English cucmber slices. Topped off with a big mug of tomato juice.  I was so excited when I spied a freezer loaded with ahi tuna fillets as well as scallops and many other treats I wanted to stop and eat right there. But the excitement turned to dismay when I reached in and felt all the packages soft and less than cool.  The cooler was clearly not working, so looks like I will not be buying any kind of yummy seafood until I can determine that someone else has bought it all after they refroze the fishies or they claimed the loss on their insurance.  Anyway, my feet took me to an aisle that sells shampoos. Nowhere can one buy a shampoo that actually cleans your hair. All those drugstore types that just build up some kind of scum is all I can find. I spied some kind of clear stuff with pictures of coconuts on the front label. But ALL the writing was in Malay. Usually you can find something in English, but not this stuff. It was with shampoos so I took a bottle. At the checkout I asked the clerk if it was indeed shampoo. He advised that it was.  Tonight I poured a huge blob on my head in the shower and fellt like I had emptied the grease pot from one of the local eateries on my hair. It took 4 -5 latherings with the drugstore crap I have and even after that I could feel a lovely oil slick that the Exxon Valdez could not hold a candle to.  I can't go to my hairwasher tomorrow morning as I have THE WONDERFUL SCREEN MAN ARRIVING, plus a colleague who is dropping his car for me to somehow get to the service people, plus Jeff's friends arriving while he drives others to the airport. So, I guess I will be a greaser for the next 48 hours.I am not sure what I bought, but maybe it would be better on a salad or in the frying pan.  I will have to take it to school to see if a teacher can interpret it for me after the holiday. I also patted myself on the back because I missed the overhead ramp to get to the store because some pushy driver hogged the lane and gave me no chance to get into it. I ended up driving through an underpass and then wondered where the heck I was going. I refuse to communicate with that GPS witch. We are not on speaking terms.  Lucky me! I saw the hospital where I was hold up for a while and knew it was just down the road from Justco. 

Oh yes, Jeff and I are invited to a wedding down the road on Sunday. We live in a community that is very interesting. Both Chinese and Milay live here. Not common to mix the two.  I saw some big marquees going up at the end of the road yesterday and told Jeff we might be in for a noisy bash one of these days when we saw tables, chairs and some kind of stage arrive. So, because no one talks to us, we wandered down together to check it out. There was a man (Malay)  there who had some English and told us his sister is getting married on Sunday. We were then invited to join them.  I think we will because it might just be what is needed to get us into the community. 

Now that I am clean and shiny (partly because of the oil slick on my head) I am ready to settle in with my homemade chai tea (no MILK no HONEY - and I discovered that a handful of black pepper corns make it outstanding) and a book loaned from a friend. Last night with Frannie's homemade screens on my bedroom window. And best of all, no one has seen the duct tape marvel I created - except Jeff. But I have more on him that a pathetic screen, so I am safe.

PS Look out Ryan, I just might end up on your doorstep in the next week or so

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