VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Sunday, May 22, 2011

New Shades

I have also succumbed to the fact that I need to wear my glasses daily.  The distance vision always causes me grief at the end of a day and a nasty drive home. So today I found a shop that will make me a prescription for my short sighted completely different eyes and  not include the crazy making bifocals, and make them transitions so that I don't have to carry around my sunglasses.  Hope this makes things better. 
We  have an incredible rain storm right now. The thunder that roared just a minute ago almost caused me to fall off my chair.  Sure glad I got home before it started.  I could probably open my windows now as no self respecting mosquito would be out in this weather.Problem is that the house then gets flooded too.  But then, I am getting very close to the point of not caring about that either.
This week is a heavy schedule before the break.  We also are expected to travel to Batu Pahat on Thursday afternoon for our new zone office official opening. Our zone director has just had kidney stone surgery so I have tried to convince him to postpone this until after the break. He agrees but our big PooBah wants to go ahead because he has some photo op with us there and all the big guns from Abu Dhabi.  I hope he does not win this round. It is a pain the butt to do that kind of travel midweek. 
Ry just informed me that he is now in decompression.  But also because of my work visa problem it looks like he will not be stopping in here after all. His message said that he will go to Korea. So, drat, I guess I should have gotten sicker and maybe he would have made a detour.
So there is the Sunday rant according to Frannie.  Hopefully I will find some silver lining in one of these rain clouds and feel more positive about things.

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