VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Deciduous Trees Here?

Why don’t all trees lose their leaves?

It really depends on the climate in which the trees are living. In areas like tropical rainforests – which are warm and moist – there is moisture available all year round. This moisture allows trees to keep their leaves year round.
When I read this I still made me wonder - how can a leaf remain a leaf after years of being a leaf?  I witness this across the road from my home. On the highways to and from work I see nothing but palm plantations, but here at home I have my own personal jungle across the street.  One never sees dead leaves below the trees, so don't you find it amazing that a little leaf can continue to be just that for years?  I do. 
You can find all sorts of information online regarding conifers and deciduous trees, but nothing much about tropical trees. Of course palm trees fit the general information online. Because palms have long thin leaves, they apparently do not shed. But I am talking about a forest of what we would deem to be a deciduous forest across the street from my home and it has never changed since I moved in here a year and a half ago.  I guess it is a good thing if you are the gardener.  No raking to do.  But still makes me curious.

The picture of a tree (above) is a rose apple tree. My neighbour has it in front of his home and shares all the little delights that grow a couple of times a year.  I still don't understand the cycles here, the tree itself never looks any different than this except for the abundant fruit that grows a few times a year. All the leaves are still intact always. Maybe I will tie a string around a leaf and watch to see how long it stays there. Behind the rose apple is the jungle across the street which is green always as well.  Weird huh?
Now for my warped sense of humour.  The schools often paint murals or English phrases on the walls.  I found this tidbit which I had to quickly photograph in hopes of not drawing attention to myself.  Maybe what you see here is why we have a job as a mentor?
like a graffiti artist, I quickly pencilled in the correct verb

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