VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Now I Know

I have been trying to figure out when to expect the next onslaught of baby geckos. Now I know.  They take about 11 weeks before they invade me again after I have recovered from the previous invasion.  I guess this breaks down as 1 week for mom and day to get acquainted, 9 weeks gestation, and then another week to find their way into my space and annoy the hell out of me until they discover there is a big world out beyond my patio doors just waiting for them to explore.  I am currently in the 11th week of the cycle. I am not amused.

I braved the roadways and traipsed into downtown Kota Tinggi.  I have had a nasty cough and even nastier stomach, so only foods I have been eating lately are mangos and ginger.  I have consumed my entire stash of little apple sauce cartons, and have not got the energy to drive into the big city to get more. Mangos sit well, especially if they are laced with ginger.  In fact, for a few days I only consumed ginger tea.  Driving into the downtown area on a Saturday is usually a challenge, but with Ramadan in full swing, it is almost impossible.  The gridlock begins at the entry to the main road from my own street.  You sit, you wait, you snarl, you flip the bird at morons who push you past your pushing point.  They will drive right into the side of your car and can get poised to overtake your lane (because they are not in any lane at all themselves) by intimidating drivers to keep moving further to the right than they should be.  I kind of like that dance - I keep as far left as I can without getting into their ditch lane, but the odd idiot does not care and will scrape off the side of my car if I don't let them get ahead of me. Finally at Kipmart, I was heartily greeted by all the fruit sales gang who wanted to sell me everything they had. As usual, I went to me Chinese grocer to help me with the attack.  Oh no, he is no longer there.   I had to do this myself.  I was not going to let them bully me into buying a bushel of mangos, so opted to choose my own produce. I even shocked them -  I did buy a very large bag - 2.5 kilos.  I normally buy 3 - 4 pieces at a time.  After my purchase of mangos, mangosteens, and limes, I headed to the chicken man. The gang there were poised and ready, wanting to know how many boneless breasts I wanted today. Where was my son was their immediate query.

Then I tried to pick up the movie Milk.  I finally gave up when all the vendors of the pirated movie sellers kept directing me to the food stalls.  They of course thought I wanted to buy milk.  Found something starring Eddie Murphy - Meet Dave.  So now will whirl up a smoothy of mangos, mangosteens, lime juice and oat bran and settle on the sofa to watch my movie and get well.

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