VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Thursday, July 12, 2012

I Should Not Admit It, But...

I mentioned that I picked up the book everyone seems to be talking about in North America.  50 Shades of Grey.  I will not bother to tell you what the sentence in the book describes as the 50 shades.

Don't buy it.  I have never read a more pathetic bunch of trash in my life. But read on, I do. Why?  I crave reading, and there was nothing else available.  Think of a Harlequin romance novel, with the trash that I think one would find in a column in 'trash' magazines and this is the book. Beyond that, it is written by some Brit who sets the story in Washington state but does not change the language or demeanour of the people speaking from her own British style to North American style. Very odd indeed.  I find her constant and his breath hitches, and he stills'  so completely ridiculous, yet I keep reading.  If I read one more sentence that says he cocks his head to the side while he hitches I will explode! I have read far enough into the book that now even her breath hitches. I think I am hoping that there is a real plot in this environmental destruction of trees bound into a book.

I should have known what I was getting myself into when I noted that there were no recommendations from respected sources. In fact, there were no recommendations at all.  Tells me something huh?

Save your money and if you need to buy a book, buy a Dr Seuss book and send it to my library. That will have value.

Friday's rant complete.  Over and out.

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