VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Thursday, July 19, 2012

TFIG OMG and other drivel

Today is not really TGIF. Not in my mind. I have to travel to Batty Pahat for a state meeting. I really detest these meetings. You drive for a few hours on the road that make you crazy, all to be able to meet with colleagues that whine about having to work, then drive home again after that. Nothing productive, nothing useful. Plus, I lose a day of real work which I actually enjoy. On the flip side, the lazy a** mentors love it - means they don't have to work, can get into their cars and go to a big city, in the event they live in the 'sticks', and then party all night at that meeting place. I go home.To top it off, deadbeats call me - me, the one who HATES DRIVING, and ask me for lift. They expect me to go out of my way to pick them up sort of enroute, and then await as they have a few drinks or stuff their faces before getting back in the car and chauffeured home again. Not bloody likely!  I have told them just that.

Tomorrow is the first day of Ramadan. This makes the trip even nastier than usual.  Every Malay in this country is going to be on the roads dashing to their home villages to do whatever one does on the first day of Ramadan - which is supposed to be fasting.  Liken the family gathering to Christmas Eve. You know what the highways are like just before Christmas? However, banquets are being prepared all day for the setting of the sun and putting on the feedbag for a month, not just one day.  Then look out for Hari Raya - a solid week of eating with no boundaries after that month of fasting.

We have had torrential rains this past week - most out of character because we are not in monsoon season. The forecast for Johor state is the same for today. I am counting on being in the part of Johor that misses this event. Our state is huge, so a general forecast cannot really apply.  I just want clear vision to and from the meeting, and then who cares if we get hit with 'sky juice' once I am locked in my property.

Yesterday I was summonsed to evaluate preschool teachers in a micro teaching setting. That event just confirmed to me that Lesson Plan training is still high on the list of 'what to teach these guys' in professional development.  They always plead 'no time' to write a lesson plan, but you can imagine what kind of mishmash occurs when one is not written.  That was what I had to adjudicate yesterday - all the while being sensitive and gentle in my comments.

Saturday should be a fine day.  I intend to turn on the stereo, blast the neighbourhood with my tunes and just relax.  That will be my defence to the constant din of firecrackers (not fireworks) every bloody night, which for some reason the Malays set off in the evening. Feels like you are in a war zone every night. You can be sure that the medical clinics will have a number of casualties during that week. I witnessed a lot of them last year when I attended one.  Some dufus about 18 or so ( I judge this by his accomplices) was being guided into the clinic bandaged across his face, over his left ear (if it was still there), and his entire left arm and (perhaps) his left hand dressed with enough gauze to cover an Egyptian mummy.  Guess he didn't count too well once he lit the explosives.

I have also made a decision regarding my invitation to the TAO temple in Singapore. I took in the Johor temple a few months ago, and now the Singaporeans want to meet the white lady too. I was gonna do it, but it is becoming such an event I have decided to beg off.  I really have to keep reminding myself I have boundaries and only I can honour them.  I will have to tell my neighbours that I will not be going. That should be worth some coaxing and pleading. But I am firm on my decision. What I do for my weekends and travel time are my decision - not some obligation to others.  And so it is. A minimum of 400SD (translates into RM980), a weekend without my own recuperation of the week, and obligatory making nice is not what I define as a weekend get away.  Plus, two more pages of my passport will be filled for this excursion.

Now time to hang the laundry before I hit the happy trails to Batty Pahat.

Friday funnies:  licence plates here are part of the vehicle. the plate goes with the car.  Everyone knows me as a foreigner, not only because of my colour but also my licence number.  Johor plates all begin with J.  There are three letters and then 4 numbers.  There are no letter not used - as in North America.  We, in North America do not use certain letters because they can be confused with other letters. Example - no Q  or D - confused with O, and some others I can't recall right now. Anyway, W is my first letter - and it signifies I am from K L.  So, my licence number gives me away right away.  The other day I saw a series of letters and knew right away they were from K L. But what caused a giggle was the series of letters - WTF

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