VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Thursday, July 26, 2012

My second Ramadan

We are well into the Ramadan season for 2012.  Drivers have not improved over the year, but I really didn't expect them to do so.  Nice to be home for the weekend out of their way.  I had hoped to go to the Tesco mall for a reflexology with my Thai therapist but when I began that journey after my school visit I found myself embedded in a non moving clump of vehicles in 2 legitimate lanes and 4 pretending lanes.  My feet would not appreciate the reflexology enough to stay in that mess.So I found a way to get out of it and do a u turn on the highway and just head home. I stopped in at my trusty 2 ringgit shop to pick up a small watering can as my neighbour blessed me with a pretty little potted daisy sort of plant. I really don't appreciate that sort of plant - it requires too much attention from me.  Anyway I thought I should at least try, so a watering can for the little lovely was in order.  Now, for those of you who have been reading the blog since last year, you will recall my visit to that shop in mid August when I watched some grampa put his little granddaughters into some car car thing and then plug in the coins to make it start up. And the best of all was the singing of we wish you a merry christmas.  It must be a Ramadan thing, because today, outside the shop was the same little piece of machinery but today it churned out 'away in a manger.  There has to be someone, somewhere having a good chortle by putting these Christmas songs on kiddy rides and then shipping them off to a muslim country during Ramadan.

Christmas songs in July could bring a smile to one's face in a Christian community, but in July, in a muslim country is brings more than a smile.

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