VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

defensive driving - Wednesday Rant

Once these hair brain colleagues figure out that one must drive defensively we might have a set of mentors that actually go to work on a regular basis. Many of these western people grab the car that we get dispatched and burn up the highways and byways exploring the country. Many have apparently never had a car before - they think these plastic-mobiles are grand! Lots of kms get registered on the odometer from weekend getaways and late night tours.  I guess that is why they have such a difficult time getting up for work.  One even told me she needs to go to work late because she is not accustomed to getting up early.  How the heck did she get the job in the first place? How the heck does she keep the job? No thought of other drivers on the roads and always 'knowing their own rights'.  There are few rights here, and even fewer if you come from the west. What a bunch of ka ka !

Living here you have to drive for everyone else on the road. Life is cheap. There are millions of people vying for their place on the roads, and none consider keeping a distance between each other or respecting a stop sign or red light. If you come here and drive as they do, you will suffer the consequences.  My neighbour did just that yesterday and then expected an entourage (she called everyone in her address book to rescue her) to come and bail her out. The biggest annoyance was there was no need for any of us to be there. No injuries, but good at feigning them until I advised I had been an expert witness in court for insurance fraud (in the past)  for just that thing.  Still managed to get a 2 day leave from work - trauma reason.  Good grief!

I realize it is a challenge to avoid collisions here, but when you know the situation, you make sure you drive your car with the mindset that you are also driving everyone else's car and anticipating their careless ways that can affect you. I am very short on patience for people who do not do their work. I have no sympathy for those that cause their own problems. I have no tolerance for people who fake ill health.  I guess this post is my current rant, especially when they cause others to not be able to do their own job.

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