VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Some Humour I Received

I had a wonderful weekend with Ryan.  We talked for hours, we spent every minute we could together, we Skyped with Sumi, we Skyped with Jenn, Levi, and Kolly, and then suddenly, Sunday arrived, and the visit is over.  I sent him off with my friend Karen who also left this weekend.  Nice for both of them to cross the border and get into Singapore with company. We all gorged ourselves on steaks at TGIFriday before they left, and then two other colleagues and myself got back into our WUT-mobiles and travelled home to prepare for another week of work. I now await Ry's call to make sure his old ma got home safely. There is no greater gift that having a child who is now an adult and actually wants to come to visit you.  I am a lucky lady.

I found this  e-mails in my inbox, and because it made me chuckle, thought you could enjoy it too.

So what did Ry and I do? We went to my schools so he could see where I work, we went to the big mall so he could see that I can find 'real' food here, and we dined at home on foods that he remembered from home. It was eerie as we sat on the patio last night waiting for the chicken breasts to finish barbecuing; both feeling like we were back at Katepwa. The quiet, the heat, and the aroma of the herbs searing on the chicken were as if we had taken a quantum leap backwards many years.  We talked about swimming lessons where he froze his skinny butt early in the morning at the lake. We talked about Jennifer and him doing the same thing on his last journey back to Canada, and we talked about everything else we had time to fill that small space of time we knew we had this weekend.

He brought me the most exquisite shawl from India. A huge cashmere wrap that will guarantee no cold days in BC this winter.  And I think he thinks it is time for me to be open to having a boyfriend. I also received a decadent set of ivory silk sheets.  I can hardly wait to go to bed tonight - alone.  I have shovelled far too much food into my face today and all weekend. I think a cup of tea and maybe one of the cookies Jenn sent will be dinner.  I was afraid to open the cookies - they will be a soggy mess in no time at all. Be we figured out a way I could open the package and not have to consume the entire thing at once. Glad bags that she sent me will be put to use, and the treasures stored in the lizard fridge for treat time.

I agree, I think God did a great job when he invented the stapler. Too bad they did not get the blueprint for these technical masterpieces in Malaysia.

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