VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Sunday, July 15, 2012

T M Has Brought Out the Worst In ME

I have still been fighting an uphill battle with the internet providers here. They have no conscience or honour when they talk with me.  I have had confirmation, but only by word, from the freaks at the office here in Kota Tinggi, that we will have our phone lines installed in August. Once the phone lines are in place, the internet just runs through those lines. No one will put it on paper.  Now I know why.  The deadbeats that I have been corresponding with via e-mail just confirmed to me that they have no intention of providing these lines. The freaks said they did a survey and only 4 residents want the service so they will not provide it to any due to low demand. I canvassed the neighbourhood and no one has been asked if they want the service.

How the heck do these people sleep at night when they know they have lied through their teeth, cheated people and refuse to give an essential service to the citizens of their own country. Shame on them.

They have not heard the last from Frannie. Oh no.  Not at all. I have prepared a petition and my neighbour will take it around the Taman while I am at work, and gather signatures. This will be in the newspapers and worse if they do not respond with honour this time around. The sleeping dragon has awakened, and God help those in her path.

I finally have on paper the deceit I wanted to be able to print.  Some dufus was stupid enough to write the lie and sign on behalf of the company.  Plus they made the mistake of telling other Taman residents that we will be having our internet delivered in August as well.

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