VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Monday, July 2, 2012

What Not to do in the Tropics

Do not save cocoa powder for longer than a few months. I made Baileys last summer and discovered when I opened the sealed container just now, that the cocoa powder was moulding.  Yuck. Then found the hot chocolate powder that I had also purchased and discovered some not too pleasant shapes within that sealed jar.  They are no longer in my possession.  But definitely feel creepy seeing the outcome of heat and humidity even when containers are sealed.  So, my Baileys is chocolate free.  Probably considerably reduces the calorie count.

I had a nightmare trip this morning trying to get to a school.  There seems to be jalan rosaks all along the way, and there was no way for me to approach the school. I finally gave up after a couple of calls to the school and many attempts through insane traffic jams.  What I did on the journey home was stop in at the 'sorta' mall to see if they carried portable air conditioners. They don't have them but could order one. However, I saw this funny looking floor model of some air cooler and had the shop clerk demo it for me. I bought one, and just might pick up another if this one does what I want. I love the features - it cools the air, uses far less energy than an air conditioner, purifies the air, and best of all, the windows can remain open while it is running.  I have it humming in the living room right now and I am not sweating.  It is on wheels, so you just whirl it around to whatever room you want to use it.  So, an upstairs unit and a main floor unit just might make the abode very comfortable without freezing my a** off like the air conditioner does.  Jan and Louise are going to have to come back.  They bravely dealt with my hot house, lack of fridge space, and need to make ice cubes with a little kettle of boiled water. All these hardships are a thing of the past. I am definitely moving into the age of technology and I would love to share this new experience with them.

Good thing the new cooler is running. I just brewed up some vats of Baileys and one knows how one's temperature rises when one tests the recipe during production.


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