VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Friday, July 20, 2012

Zambonis in Malaysia?

Clearly I had nothing else to ponder when I spied this marvel in the Tesco shop a few weeks ago.  Browsing through my phone images I have captured and needed to delete, I found the Zamboni look alike and thought it deserved a place here.

A Zamboni is a machine that every Canadian knows and understands. It  comes out onto the rink during breaks between hockey periods to resurface the ice - spreading water across the rink while brushing the surface to give the players a fresh gleaming patch of ice to slide across to score their goals. Mockery of cheering for the Zamboni man is a common place event at a hockey game.

What I know

I am not a veteran hockey fan but as a Canuck, I have the built in spidey sense of the sounds of Canada - Zambonis. Shopping in the Tesco produce area I heard the groaning noise of something familiar. Looking behind me I saw the Zamboni.  What the heck?  It took me by surprise, so camera was in my pocket. Once he did his lap past the roots, twigs and vines that had offended the floor in that space, I was ready to capture his image for you to see.  Moving swiftly and deftly between the aisle, he cleansed the floor, giving it a marvellous sheen.  What would have produced a pail and bucket back home I witnessed a greater technological advancement applied to a spill here.  No one cheered.  No one even acknowledged his presence. Wonders never cease.

What I now know

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