VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Good Things Do Happen

I was asked if I would be willing to help with a charity event in JB in September.  Malaysia, like any country has children living in orphanages.  I have met some of these children at one of the schools I visit, and I was awed with their strength, self esteem, and focus.  Whoever cares for these kids, they have done a splendid job. Another good thing that happens for these kids is a local golf course sponsors a weekend camp for them.  Now it gets tricky.  Not many of the mentors are golfers. I can hardly call myself a golfer, but I do love swinging a club around a course. I still have not done that here though. My colleague that I work with is a golf pro, so he asked if we could work with these kids together. I naturally agreed - I would love to be someone who can give to them in another way.  So, a weekend in September we will be guests at the golf course and in turn, teach the kids golf, play golf, and just have a good time in an English environment with some wonderful children of Malaysia.

Once again, I was amazed that I could find such a place admit where I live. If you want to see how I will be slumming that weekend, here is the website:

weekend golf retreat for mentors and kids

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