VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Monday, July 16, 2012

More Resignations

I know I am stubborn.  But at what cost?  More colleagues resign and I stay.  I am not sure if I am missing some point, and completely missing the boat, or they are not really resigning but being asked to leave.  I will likely not really know the answer to this ever.  But still I ponder.  There are a couple of factors that I do know that may influence these happenings.  One; these people never assimilate into the communities where they reside. Always foreigners looking in but not fitting in. Two; many of them never really do their job. Thinking that a work week can be whatever they make it - Tuesday to Thursday, or whatever days and hours of those days that works for them at that moment.  Having spent the majority of my career as a private contractor, I do not understand that sort of work ethic.  If I am working, I am being paid. If I am not working I am not being paid. But this lot knows that if they are not work, they are still being paid. Sadly, because it is difficult to replace us - not because many of them are valuable assets, but simply the cost, time, and recruiting process for a partial contract where we are now at make it difficult to find someone willing to take the trip here to finish something coming to a close.  The deadbeats know this and do you-know-what to the dog while smirking over the latest way to not work and get paid.  When I moan about this to other colleagues and they flip me off with instances of their own no shows at work I am shocked. Are they all part of that Y generation?

I grew up as a baby boomer, my children grew up as x generation.  Boomers had many privileges growing up, but we still had a strong work ethic and lived our lives by that philosophy.  The 'X' gens also accepted this way of life and managed to be so technically adept they made our heads spin, leaving us wondering how the heck they could be such computer and technology gurus.  Those X generations have built careers that my own generation had never heard of. They also are intelligent and brave enough to know how to change careers and become experts in a new field and work hard there too. But this latest group only defined as y generation  I think lives by defining themselves taking the 'y' as the word 'why'  why should I work, why should I bother. For some reason they think the world owes them something. The majority of them here are an odd bunch. They are incapable of stringing a coherent sentence together in communication.  In fact, there is little communication among them. They all plug into their iPods, watch a movie on their computer, and yet have the need to all occupy the same room doing individual things.  I have gone to dinner with some of them and each takes their laptop out and disappears into their own world while slurping soup, gnawing on food and generally ignoring the rest of the people at the table. I think they honestly believe they are valuable assists to society, but I cannot see their contribution.  Watching their movies online keeps them up til 3 or 4 am, so they never leave for work until 10 or later, or not at all.  Their excuse?  I don't like getting up early.  Then why the heck did they take a day job? Their social and academic skills are more suited to being a bar maid or bar tender.  The hours would work for them as well.

I think what annoys me the most about this whole scene is that I see it blatantly  acted out with no consequences.  I am not going to tattle. It would fall on deaf ears, and I would just have to pick up the slack if I did. The 'y' group would  not know how or ever think they should have to. Rant over.

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