VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Offer Made

Well, the sleepy little taman has been offered internet connection and phone lines. Guess the noise was worth the effort. Not sure how worthwhile,  but I think it will be better than what we have now.  Slow, but consistently slow rather than some connection, some times, for some time, slowly.  Now I had to smile - just as I wrote that last line I was kicked off the connection three times.

We will apparently be blessed with overhead phone lines that carry the internet through those lines as well.  Some time in October.  I am trusting that October means 2012.

If it were not affecting me I could probably have a giggle. These clowns are willing to install as they say, cooper wires, which I think they mean copper, line poles, and of course I would imagine, surveyors in order to line up these poles properly.  That should employ a dozen or so installers for a month or two.  The alternative would be to send out a couple of employees to trench in the fibre optic lines to our homes and be done in an afternoon.  I have seen the speed of this system in Canada. I had a new line brought to my home for fibre optic internet and it took a matter of minutes, well maybe an hour to complete the task.  I am not going to tackle this issue.  I am agog with anticipation of having a phone my friends can call me on, an internet connection 'on demand'.  I am guessing I can have internet wirelessly in my home.  I am afraid to ask.  I have checked and  never seem routers available for sale here, so don't want to even rock that boat right now.

We are not talking high speed. I do not profess to understand connection speeds but I did some little meter test this morning on what I currently have.  At my best with the 'dongle' I can get download speed of 3 Mbps and upload of .4 Mbps.  Not knowing what that means, I only know that it is a far cry from what I am familiar with back home. Home - connection is a blink of an eye. Here, with the numbers I quoted gives me time to fill the kettle, prepare some coffee in the press, open the doors on the main floor and put in a load of laundry before I am given the opportunity of opening a web page.  That all can only happen if the internet actually connects. So, I am guessing that the 1 GB offered to me with this cooper line will be a shock to my computer.  I just googled shaw, a provider of internet back home. Their mid-range package offers 50 Mbps download and 5 Mbps (not .5) upload, so I think I will be far behind that one with the new offer. But considering that I am no where close to that now I guess I will feel like I have joined the technical age anyway.

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