VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Holy Batwars, Batman, What is Their Reality?

I worry when morons watch a movie or read a book and then cannot separate reality from fiction.  This latest killing rampage proves this. Censorship has gone too far in the western world. It has gone too far because there does not seem to be any.  What kind of person gets joy out of watching or reading carnage that would make your hair curl? Because the world appears to be going in the direction of voyeurism  it looks like many of the people on this planet do not know what is real and what is not real.  Maybe I am being kind and giving them an excuse. Maybe I am wrong and there are just many very defective people on this planet. Whatever the reason, I continue to wonder what kind of mind is attracted to the violence that box offices make a fortune on and actors become wealthy producing.

I recall the days of rushing home from school to watch Batman.  We would curl up on the sofa and watch Batman and Robin speed out of the bat cave to save Gotham City from Pruneface, Catwoman, Joker, and all the other villains trying to destroy their community.  It was all about good and evil, right and wrong. What the masses seem to need now is violence beyond what a human should witness because constant assault of this only numbs the senses and requires a larger dose of violent acts in order to keep one's attention and interest.

For those who have not heard about this stupidity, following is a line from a news story carrying the message.

Holmes, a graduate student at a nearby college with a clean arrest record, entered the movie auditorium wearing a ballistics helmet, bullet-proof vest, bullet-proof leggings, gas mask and gloves. He detonated multiple smoke bombs, and then began firing at viewers in the sold-out auditorium, police said today.

(This small excerpt is enough to get the idea - I do not want to contribute more to encourage notoriety because that simply fuels the fire)

I recall my son wearing his superman cape and costume from Halloween all year. Every day after school he and his best friend would take turns being superman. These episodes only lasted about a year, because the boys grew and could no longer fit into the costume.  They still tried to wear it and managed to salvage the cape, which looked more like a bib tied to their backs.  A year was probably enough to sate their imaginary roles. But this creep in Colorado must never have had his own batman costume to act out his super hero powers.  Instead, I guess he felt he had to be the villain, and Joker became his moniker in that devastated movie theatre.  

Has anyone pondered why these violent shooting rampages seem to be exclusive to North America?  Specifically USA?  I cannot plead innocent as a Canuck, we had our own massacre several years ago in an engineering class full of women in Quebec. Not to downplay that one, I still see the yanks seriously f'ed up in their interpretation of right and wrong, and normal.  Maybe the fact that everyone there has the 'right to bear arms' according to the Second Amendment of the Constitution of the United States plays a big role in these problems. This right is being interpreted by people who cannot interpret a menu at Denny's.  Just like many of them think a menu is what they are supposed to eat, not choose from, these creeps think that bearing arms must be interpreted to using them, in whatever fashion they see fit.  

I recently was having a conversation with a colleague about movies. Turns out she has never seen Dr. Zhivago,  The Sound of Music, or To Kill a Mockingbird.  She, like many others her age has managed to grow up with violence as the entertainment hook in movie theatres.  

As long as producers continue to hype these movie launches and citizens have the need to be at those  premiers of such garbage we will continue to see carnage and acting out of fantasy that is sub human and frankly, pathetic.  Maybe there should be a law that states every child in the western world will be dispatched a super hero costume to satisfy their imagination while growing up.  My spider senses are catching the waves and I think I am on to something.  

Yes, colleagues here made sure they were at the premier performance of The Dark Knight Rises,  so that they can compare their experience with other dolts.  The dark curiosity  has not travelled across the globe. The theatres were nearly empty, save for the whities who occupied the seats.  Says something, n'est pas?

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