VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Thursday, July 5, 2012


I am assuming that Ry is in this mode as I type.

House is clean, pantry is full, and as I look to the east I see clouds. But at least I see clouds instead of full on grey sky.  Yesterday was monsoonville, with a deluge in the morning as I travelled to JB, another during a sports practice at the school, and another that made me think I was going to have to find a place to stay in Desa Cemerlang.  I could not even see where the road was.  Then another hold up on the highway because some dufus in a large semi decided to make an off ramp lane that did not exist, causing a full line of vehicles to wait until someone let him in.  I eventually gave up and just listened to BBC all the while hoping I would not get spun into wherever by some other truck who sped by in another makeshift lane.  Got home eventually and watched another four hour downpour that even drown out the sound of my vacuum cleaner.    I have hope - there are wee glimmers of pink in that eastern sky - making me think we just might have sunshine today.  I don't want anyone I love navigating the roadways here on a Friday night in monsoon conditions. I also don't want to travel to a school on a road that is wide enough for one vehicle, with many hills, in conditions like yesterday.  I have decided if that is the case, I will stay home.

You can be sure there will soon be photos of the visitor posted here.

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